Wednesday 25 September 2019

Creative writing

For this activity Mrs Clark chose a image on the tv for M1 to write about.The picture was of a shadow and a shed and it also had a story starter which was a piece of writing that we had to read and continue on to the story starter with our own writing and the writing that I did is highlighted.

Story starter!

It happened in the dead of night. The garden light
illuminated the person, casting a mysterious shadow.
As silent as a whisper in the night, the figure stealthily
crept towards the green, wooden doors. Click…
The key slipped into the metal lock, the cold mechanisms
inside responding to the familiar shape of the object
that had been slipped inside. Seeing the padlock pop
open as expected, the figure slipped the slender
bolt across into its resting position. The doors
groaned agonizingly, the figure turning to survey
the surrounding area, alarmed at the loudness of
the sound their actions had made.

The coast seemed clear. Resuming their mission,
the shadow slipped inside the room. There it was. This
was the sight and moment they had been waiting for…
The shadow moved away from the lock on the large
green wooden doors the shadow started to disappear
as the golden light of the hidden treasure chest
beamed up at the shadow.The shadow turned into
a person it was a man and he was bathing in the gold
and jewls that came out of the chest.He yelled out
“This is victory!”

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