Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Hunger Games trailer

This is a Movie/Book trailer that I made for the Hunger Games because in my class we are reading the hunger games first book I hope you guys enjoy it!

Tuesday 23 June 2020

My pet introduction in Te reo Maori

Soon it is going to be pet day at my school.At my school we didn't used to do pet days so this is our first pet day EVER!   I don't think I will bring any of my pets in because I am scared that they will get hurt,run away or just be really naughty but I am so exited to see other pets.This is an introduction to my dog Sunny it is written in Te Reo Maori and translated to English.

Friday 19 June 2020

Leaf scientific drawing

This week I have picked a leaf from outside and drawn it.I had to make the drawing look as much like the leaf as possible.I am proud with what my drawing turned out to look like because I am NOT good at drawing at all.I also added a zoom bubble saying I wonder why the outline is purple?

                                                                    ((This is my leaf))

Thursday 18 June 2020

Turtle information report

Green Turtles
The Green turtle is a big heavy sea turtle. It has a large smooth shell. It lives in the tropics and it swims in the water but they come onto the land as well. They have been around for 110 Million years which is a VERY long time. They were around during the time of the dinosaurs. This turtle species has been on this earth for ages and it has developed many adaptations to protect itself. It has three types of adaptations: behavioural, structural and physiological.

A behavioural adaptation is that Male turtles never go
on land except for when they hatch. They stay in
the water but the female turtles have to go
onto the land to lay their eggs. Once the baby
turtles have hatched they scurry along the sand
into the water.  Also adult Female green sea turtles
somehow return to the place that they have hatched,
they must really know the area well. Also if a beach is
too cold the turtles have to find another beach that
is warmer and the warmer beach may be very far away.

These turtles have many structural adaptations such as
having flippers to swim and also they help to maintain
the speed which is something they could not live without.
The turtle's neck is non retractable and it can not move
up because of its shell. The turtle also has no teeth
because it doesn't really need them cause it has
SUCH a strong jaw. It looks kind of like a bird's beak.
They also don't need teeth for eating because they
eat crabs, sponges, clams etc. Turtles eyes face
downwards because they swim all the time and it
helps to see the bottom of the water.

When turtle eggs are ready to hatch they need to
be in an environment with the right temperature
because if they are too hot then they can die
inside the egg before they hatch and if they
are too cold then they can incubate correctly.

Leatherback turtles can keep their body warm
because they have a thick layer of fat that
attracts heat. Also the leatherback turtle can
lower their heart rate to save energy and oxygen.

Turtles are very interesting creatures and we need
to help keep beaches clean  and safe for the turtles
and other sea-life.
All Sea Turtles Species - Species List - YouTube

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Kiwi adaptations report writing

Kiwi adaptations
Kiwis are beautiful native birds that are flightless
and nocturnal.They have many mammal-like adaptations
and that makes then very unique.It is highly unlikely
that you will see one in the wild because it will be sleeping
and all hidden away.Its adaptations are mainly behavioural
and structural.

Over time the kiwi has developed two main behavioural
adaptations such as being nocturnal and being flightless.
The reason kiwis don’t fly is because a long time ago most
of the birds would fly and all of the flying birds would eat
the berries from the trees and they would have to compete
with one another to get the berries. However on the ground
there are not many other birds so there is hardly any
competition for food because the flightless birds eat
food that is under the ground or on top of the soil.
Also kiwis don’t fly because it saves their energy and
kiwis need their energy for other things.  Before humans
arrived in NZ there was no predators on the ground anyway
so the Kiwis didn’t need to fly.

A kiwi also has some structural adaptations to suit their
habitat such as having nostrils on the start of their beak
to help sniff food from under the ground. Their brown
plumage helps keep them camouflaged with the dirt on
the ground. Their feathers are shaggy and hair like because
it blend in with the environment around them. They also
have whiskers on the start of their beak to help navigate
in the dark because they are nocturnal and they don’t have
very good eyesight. Long claws is another adaptation to dig
up their food that is underground. Another structural
adaptation is their beak. They have such a long beak
because as I said their eyesight is not the best and
they mostly rely on touch and smell with their beak
as they walk. They simply stop to put their beak
on the ground and feel if there are vibrations under
the ground coming from the worms and other bugs
that they are trying to catch and as soon as they
feel a vibration they start to dig. Having nostrils is
kind of hard for kiwis in a way as well as being very
helpful because sometimes they get dirt stuck in their
nostrils and then they make a snorting sound to get it
out as it is uncomfortable.

Lots of the kiwis adaptations no longer work because
people have introduced new animals into New Zealand.
Some of them can attack the kiwi.  The adaptations of
being flightless and nocturnal are useless because some
of the animals that live in the same habitat have the same
adaptations and eat both the kiwi and their eggs.

Kiwis have many adaptations that they have developed
over the years. They are flightless because it saves energy
and they don’t have to compete for food like the flying
birds do. They mostly rely on touch and smell because
their eyesight is not very good. They have a long beak to
sense vibrations coming from the worms or bugs underneath
the ground and then they dig it up immediately.
Unfortunately with the arrival of pakeha to
Nz also came many animals that are a predator to
the kiwis.  I hope the kiwi can develop more adaptations
before it is too late.

Friday 12 June 2020

Deep-Sea squid scientific diagram

This is my Scientific Diagram that I made about deep-sea squid.I have labelled each part of its body.

Venn diagram comparing Fastest and Slowest Records

This is a Venn diagram that I have created.I have picked out a fast record from the Guinness book of records and a slow record and then a compared them using a Venn diagram.     

Mayor of Washington DC paints words Black Lives Matter on 16th street

Every Friday my class does this thing called current events and basically you have to get into a group and answer some questions and all of the questions are about what is going on in New Zealand and the world.Also once we have answered all of the questions we have to do a blog post about one of the questions and this was the one I chose to do!

Friday 5 June 2020

How to make a outstanding blog post!

                                                       ~Hello Fellow Bloggers~
 This is my infographic that I made. I wrote 5 tips for making a perfect blog post! I hope you can read

this and use these tips in your blog posts. What was your favourite tip? do you use these tips in your blog posts?


Wednesday 3 June 2020

My happy place perfect paragraph

This is my writing about my happy place.We had to write a perfect paragraph using a topic sentence,supporting sentece and a summary sentence. -Enjoy

Tuesday 2 June 2020

How to survive in the desert

Hellllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo Its me again :) So Me and my best friend Nova have made this survival guide to how to survive in the desert! I really enjoyed making this. I hope you enjoy. Oh and also if you want go check out Novas blog here

Mummification process

Hello Bloggers! I hope you are having a great day This is my google drawing that I made and I put facts about the mummification process on there. At school we have been learning about ancient Egypt and found it really fun! We even learnt how to read hieroglyphics. Do you now anything about ancient Egypt? If so what do you know?